Tag Archives: Goal Setting

THIS I BELIEVE: Sailing Teaches Life Lessons

I have left the safe harbor of a BA in English and Psychology from Sweet Briar College and have embarked on graduate work. My first paper in graduate school was assigned by my Orientation to Graduate Studies course.  It was an essay designed to prepare students for academic writing. It has been a LONG time since I have done academic writing.  it is very different than blogging!  I had fun writing it and was touched by Dr. Beth Cook’s feedback, “Beautiful job. I loved your use of metaphor and sailing terminology throughout. Your essay shows an unusual sophistication with writing. Great job.”  This put some wind in my sails….so I thought I would share.

Stacey Sickels Locke

UCSP 615 9063 Orientation to Graduate Studies at UMUC (2162)

Dr. Beth Cook

15 February 2016

sailing 1

This I Believe: Sailing Teaches Life Lessons


I learned a lot from having a sailing captain as a mother and an Olympic athlete as a father.  As a girl living in the Midwest, I sailed only small boats on little lakes. As I grew older and moved to the East Coast, I learned to sail larger bodies of water.  Sailing has been a constant theme throughout my life from which I have learned many lessons.

sailing chart

In sailing, charting a course is essential.  Without navigational charts and obeying markers on the water, I learned the hard way that I would run aground or miss a destination completely.  In my career, the “destinations” were positions in fundraising with progressively greater responsibilities.  The  “markers” in my life were key people who advised me and helped me navigate.  Without a course charted over the years, I am sure I would be floundering like a boat lost at sea today.

sailing tacking

When sailing, winds and strong seas will constantly take a boat off its course.  Yet, by adjusting the sails, a boat can tack from side to side while still making forward progress.  Growing up, I moved fourteen times and had four high schools.  I got very good at changing tack.  Moving so many times makes me a very flexible and adaptable person.  I know that I can weather any issue if I just adjust my attitude like I would adjust a sail in the strong wind.

sailing waving

There is a practice when sailing to wave at passing vessels whether it is a speedy powerboat, a gorgeous yacht or a small canoe with a couple.  As a fundraiser, I work with extremely wealthy people.  At the same time, I rely on people at all levels of the organization to get things done.  Respecting diversity and keeping myself humble has led to a regatta of valued colleagues and friends.

sailing wake

When sailing, a good sailor leaves a clean wake.  This includes not  throwing trash overboard or leaving a sheen of oil on the water from a dirty engine. It has always been important to me to do the right thing.  When I leave a job, I give double the notice time so that I leave things ready for the next person.  I take care to return borrowed items either with a special treat or cleaner than I found them.  Leaving a clean wake is a goal in life and on the water.

sailing adjusting

It wasn’t effortless sailing through life, in fact, it was often stormy and difficult.  Having a clear destination in mind and guides along the way has kept me on track. Adjusting my attitude like the sails on a boat keeps me pressing forward despite occasional setbacks.  Respecting diversity allows me to set sail in life or work with any group of people and be successful.  Finally, treating people well and doing the right thing leaves me with a “clean wake” in life.  My next voyage is a Master’s degree from UMUC.  The lessons of the sea will guide me along the way.


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Five Years: 260 Weeks…1,820 Days…2,620,800 Minutes.

What can you do with that?

In just under five years, Michelangelo painstakingly painted the Sistine Chapel (primarily on his back laying on scaffolding).

Long before there was “Chopped” and “Top Chef”, there was Julia Child.  In 1961, Julia Child graduated from cooking school.  Four years later, her idea of having a cookbook and TV show not only became a reality, she won an Emmy as America’s favorite TV chef.

Julia Child went from cooking school to a famous TV chef in just five years.
Julia Child went from cooking school to a famous TV chef in just five years.

In under five years, Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet,” “Othello,” “King Lear,” “MacBeth” and five other plays.

Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous plays in a five year period.
Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous plays in a five year period.


In other words, I have NO excuse not to have an epic blog by 2020!

You and I have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.” — H Jackson Brown, Jr.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Sistine Chapel ceiling - Michelangelo (painted in just under five years)
Sistine Chapel ceiling – Michelangelo (painted in just under five years)
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New Year’s Resolutions… 5 years from today.

On New Year’s Eve, Lyn and I visited Annapolis for dinner.  While strolling the streets still decorated for the holidays, we ducked into a quaint shop (mainly to warm up).  There was a tremendous variety of merchandise from jewelry to handbags to books.

A bright red book with the number 5 on it caught my attention asking the question, “Where will you be…five years from today?”  I bought it.  This seemed like the perfect start to inspire my New Year’s Resolutions.  We started over dinner.  The clock in the steeple of St. Anne’s Church ticked towards midnight.   A light snow drifted past our window.

I love January 1st.  It is my father’s birthday and the fresh start of a brand new year.  I love Sundays.  I love mornings.  I love the sense that I can live into a better version of myself.  Positive thinking & optimism – it is in my DNA.

Growing up as the daughter of an Olympic athlete and the daughter of a sailing captain who traveled the world (seriously! and that was AFTER she had a full career as a teacher), the bar was set high for achievement.  Good grades were expected.  Academic merit and creative work was inspired.  I grew up a competitive figure skater and competed until pretty recently.  I’ve set goals for as long as I can remember.  Before that, they were set for me.

So, it is nearly February and I haven’t cracked the book since January 2nd.  I’m feeling a little guilty; however, tonight I feel re-inspired. I think it is the fitbit graph that calls me to enter itty bitty bits of progress and data throughout my day (purchased just a week ago).

So, tonight, I’m cracking the book.  The jacket cover certainly beckons:

Each year life offers itself to us in an endless number of ways.  Each moment comes to us with both hands filled with gifts, marvels, opportuniteis and adventures — but we seldom see or accept more than a tiny fraction of the exciting possibilities around us….  This book celebrates the “want to’s,” the “choose to’s” and the “I can’t wait to’s” in your life…. You are a hero of this story.

Cool.  Join me.

Where will you be...five years from today?
Where will you be…five years from today?
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