In 1928 at the Founder’s Day Exercises of Sweet Briar College, President Emily Watts McVea wrote prayers for the occasion:
O God, lift my soul to your mountaintops and grant that from their summits my eyes may see the true vision and purpose in my life.
86 years later, President McVea’s words were repurposed for a very different kind of service. On Saturday of reunion weekend, 2015, Sweet Briar College was doing the very opposite of what President McVea intended by her prayers. I am pretty sure she would not appreciate her words being used in a service intended as the College’s last. In tribute to her, I honor her words and others from the 2015 Service of Remembrance along with my own reflections on reunion….
On Monument Hill, the highest spot on Sweet Briar’s 3,000 acres, alumnae sat and stood in a somber circle around the Fletcher family plot for a Service of Remembrance — intended to be the final service at Sweet Briar College. Alumnae mourning their College co-mingled with those fighting for its future. Each heard a different message. Those quitting heard words of ending, closure and death.. Those fighting heard words of hope, continuance and resurrection..
O God, the source of strength, you are my strength. In you I find power for the real work of my life. No difficulties can overwhelm me, no task can frighten me, for I know that abiding in your, as my days are, so shall my strength be.
Attending a reunion is always a special time. Returning to a special place of any kind brings about a sense of anticipation. For graduates of Sweet Briar College, reunion is like coming home.
Turning off the driveway from Route 29, a long tree-lined driveway winds its way towards campus. Bright pink and green signs welcoming alumnae lined the route. “Welcome Alumnae”, “We’ve Been Waiting for You”. Within hours, banners of protest were hung across campus including the entrance sign adding meaningful words…
Driving onto campus the signs read “Welcome Alumnae” and another “We’ve been waiting for you…”
This reunion promised to be an epic one. On March 3, the President and Board announcing their intention to close the College declaring the 2015 commencement would be its last and that reunion would be perhaps the final one as well. Since then, Sweet Briar has divided itself — emotionally, legally, physicially — between those who wish to quit and those who are fighting closure.
“Girls Quit, Women Fight” banner hung outside Benedict Hall at Sweet Briar College, the night of what the College declared “it’s final reunion”.
While some people heard the news and quietly accepted it – quitting. Others immediately organized – fighting.
Some came to campus with a sense of resignation. You could tell these people throughout the weekend. They walked through as if they were seeing something for the last time. Their hands paused on banisters touched many times. They took photos with familiar landmarks, sometimes shaking their head or shedding a tear. When I found myself in conversations with them, they used phrases like “it’s sad”, “inevitable…”; “too bad…”
O God, you Infinite Calm, let me rest in your peace. Quiet the anxieties of my life; hush the agitation of my heart; still the busy flutter of unnecessary and futile activity. In calm strength, let me pursue my daily work resting on your sure promise. Lead me beside still waters of peace through green valleys of love and hope.
Others came to campus as fighters. They, too, took in their campus in a different way. These fighters; however, did not approach each set of friends or venues as a “last time” or a goodbye. Rather, they savored campus protectively and thoroughly. You could see them gaze over a familiar landscape with a sense of purpose. Some chose not to come to campus at all because they didn’t wish to put a single penny into the accounts of those not committed to the future.
Taking in campus with the future in mind.
O Almighty God, source of knowledge, lover of wisdom, we ask your blessing this day on the community, past and present, of Sweet Briar College. Grant to us earned purpose, the strength to persevere, and a steadfast faith in the value of human life. We realize that we are all scholars and learners together, searching diligently for truth.
The division in the 2015 Reunion for Sweet Briar is one I hope we will never repeat. While some attended events on campus, others gathered off campus. The majority of my class attended off-campus events which were forward-looking and hopeful.
My Class of 1988, normally very active had just two people for the opening events. During the picnic, I had the unsettling experience of meeting several people resigned to closure of the College including the sister-in-law of the current President who said she is taking “no position”. Thankfully, my classmates were all actively working for the future.
The few and proud members of the Class of 1988 at the opening picnic.
May we rejoice in our opportunities to play, in our friendships, and in all the joys experienced….
Class of 1988 classmates – one all the way from Singapore — attended the alternative event.
Yes, this would be a reunion like no other…
The place that felt the most home-like reunion weekend was faculty row. The Whitcombs, Claudia Chang – homes I visited as a student were open and united with determination for Sweet Briar.
Saturday morning my husband and I visited downtown Lynchburg, a thriving Farmer’s Market unfolded along several blocks. Unique food trucks from cider donuts to fish tacos to bagels and fresh juice lined Main Street. We found a delicious latte and breakfast sandwich at the White Tavern. Lynchburg teemed with life: Children, college-age groups, senior citizens. Pianos donated by community members were tucked into storefronts decorated with whimsical and meaningful designs. I watched a woman play a beautiful Bach piece while her son nodded slowly, transfixed. It was only after enjoying the music for several minutes that I realized the piano was designed by a Sweet Briar College student.
Above all, grant us through our work and all our experience to understand more clearly your beauty, your harmony, and your truth.
This is a marvelous College town. Randolph College, Lynchburg College, Liberty University and Sweet Briar College compliment strong businesses and a vibrant arts scene. Everywhere we went there were references to Sweet Briar from signs in windows of support to business cards to fellow alumnae walking through town.
Leaving Lynchburg, we drove the business route back to campus along the road I remembered. The towns of Madison Heights, Monroe and Amherst are clearly stronger than when I attended College from 1984-1988. National chains mixed with family-owned business of all kinds unfolded along Route 29. Even small florist shops were built with Georgian architecture. This is Virginia charm at its best.
Before returning to campus, I met up with a group I had only previously known by phone and email (daily!) – the Major Gift Task Force members. We planned to meet up at one of the alternative events. It turned out to be at a lovely vineyard, Rebec, founded by the father of long-time dance faculty at Sweet Briar, Ella Magruder. While hundreds of alumnae flowed into the event, our group met each other (many for the first time only knowing each other previously through phone calls) and discussed the importance of this weekend for a final push for giving. We were blessed by Ella Magruder stopping by to tell us how much she and the faculty appreciate the group’s efforts.
The saving Sweet Briar Major Gift Task Force meets for the first time in person.
Endure us with abounding enthusiasm for real greatness, respect for the valuable accomplishments of the past, and a never failing belief in the possibilities of human attainment.
Back on campus, it was time for the hike to Monument Hill. The skies were clear with temperatures climbing into the 90s. We hiked ahead of the crowd in order to look back.
From the beauty of this campus may we learn to love and understand beauty everywhere.
Bagpiper leads walkers from campus.
Walk to Monument Hill.
A view through the trees.
Amazing forest on 3,000 acres.
My reunion companion…
Bag piper leads the annual procession of walkers to Monument Hill.
Once on Monument Hill, it was back to the surreal dichotomy of quitters and fighters. It began with an invocation, “For what may be the last time together….” My husband leaned over to me and whispered, “Is this a funeral???” “NO!”, I whispered.
Endure us with abounding enthusiasm for real greatness, respect for the valuable accomplishments of the past, and a never failing belief in the possibilities of human attainment.
It was a very nice service. It was very polite. It was very “Sweet Briar”. No. One. Said. A. Thing. I couldn’t help myself. As the Chaplain (who isn’t a Chaplain since the College hasn’t funded a Chaplain for quiet a while and we have a very kind local Pastor helping) said his final “Amen”,I must admit I did YELL, “SAVE SWEET BRIAR” to which the majority of the crowd responded with a cheer :).
View from Monument Hill towards campus.
Walkers come into the woods.
Fletcher family plot on Monument Hill.
A bag piper leads…
Heads bowed…
Laying daisies for the Fletcher family. Indiana Fletcher Williams established Sweet Briar College as a perpetual memorial to her daughter.
Angel over Daisy William’s monument.
Daisy’s arm uplifted.
Gate to the plot.
An angel over Daisy Wiliams’ final resting places raises her arm to the sky.
Salute to Daisy with arm upstretched!
Saving Sweet Briar photo.
Many left their events to join in.
It felt good to cheer and voice our intention at a “pep rally” of sorts. At 8:15pm, while the sun was setting, alumnae came from both ends of campus for a group photo. We sang the “Holla, holla” cheer and we shouted, “WE WILL SAVE SWEET BRIAR!” Having been on Monument Hill that day and seeing Daisy’s arm uplifted, it occurred to me that it would be a meaningful tribute to lift our arms like she does. After all, we ARE the perpetual memorial of Daisy that Indiana Fletcher Williams intended.
Even the official events divided those who were on campus. One event was held in the Field House, the other in the conference center. Between the two, those who are working to save Sweet Briar met in the quad for a photo together. Later, Claudia Chang, a beloved Anthropology professor (and leader of the faculty suit) hosted a party until the wee hours of the morning.
Endure us with abounding enthusiasm for real greatness, respect for the valuable accomplishments of the past, and a never failing belief in the possibilities of human attainment.
I know I will never be a quitter for Sweet Briar. I will fight to the end alongside women from many generations united to save a place we love.
Above all, grant us through our work and all our experiences to understand more clearly your beauty, your harmony, and your truth.
As alumnae leave Sweet Briar College this weekend, in just a few days they face two important moments. Important legal challenges will be in court, including the Virginia Supreme Court.
President McVea’s words are a comfort in these times:
Winds of God, blow through my soul with healing and invigorating power. Enliven my desire for righteousness; cleanse me from self-seeking, from moodiness, from indifference.
Winds of God, bear my soul on the quiet breezes of the morning, or on the wings of the hurricane. In the calm of the storm, may I find You, the Star of my soul.
Angel over Daisy William’s monument.
Salute to Daisy with arm upstretched!
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“O.K., I know its a long shot, but if we can convert just one lion…” by KANIN
As a fundraiser working on fundraising campaigns, there are always suggestions that perhaps some very generous person might step in to “save” the Campaign. My response usually goes like this:
While that is a really great suggestion, research shows that the way we will meet our goal is to first look at ourselves and ask if we have given our very BEST gift. Then, we turn to those closest to us and ask if we have thoughtfully met with those individuals and encouraged them to make their very BEST gift. Beyond that, we divide up names of those previously generous and reach out to them to ask them to consider additional generosity. Then, and only then, would I suggest looking outside of our Community to someone previously unaffiliated. Because usually someone unaffiliated with our cause is not likely to respond.
Even when I give this response, there is always someone who says, “What about Warren Buffet? Perhaps HE would be willing to contribute.” or “(Insert Wealthy Person’s Name), surely would want to be involved???” Usually this stems from the person feeling so passionate about their fundraising effort that they cannot imagine EVERYONE wouldn’t want to give.
Forget what I usually say. It is time to throw caution to the wind…
In the case of saving Sweet Briar College; however, it is time for bold and courageous action. It is time to reach out beyond our community. The issues at stake here are relevant to anyone who cares about nonprofits; who loves a place that might face closure; who feels a sense of duty to give back; who puts trust in a governing board and feels betrayed by them; who counts on their charitable gifts to be used as intended; whose children start in Freshman year and expect to graduate as a Senior; who applied to and was accepted to a College only to learn from social media that your application is now worthless; who believe a will should be held in trust…
Forget what I said. It’s time to point over the fence, declare we will hit a home run and make some bold calls.
1960: Mickey Mantle hit a home run over the right field roof. Babe Ruth is famous for pointing before hitting a homer.
In the effort to keep Sweet Briar College open, I am throwing caution to the wind. I am open to any and all suggestions. I am telling people to look at themselves, each other and their community. I am pointing over the fence, over the right field roof and WAY outside of our community.
This past week I was called about a potential donor who it has been noted has considered (and retracted) nine-figure philanthropic suggestions — $100 million to be exact. When it was first explained to me, it came across that this donor actually might be interested in contributing to Sweet Briar. I WAS SO EXCITED! Turns out, this lead came from a consultant of a friend of a Sweet Briar alumna — and the consultant had heard there was a donor in Richmond we might look up.
That old mantra in my head nearly kicked into gear. Not this time. Instead, I put some of my fellow alumnae to work on finding contact information and perhaps shared contacts. Then I decided I would write an open letter to him. Because – really – this letter could go to anyone.
“The Long Shot” – Greenberg
Dear Supremely Philanthropic Person,
Have you ever wanted to be a hero? I can tell you how.
Would you like to make an impact on the world? I can tell you how.
How would you like to save a College?
I know this may sound crazy. I know I should have taken you to at least 10 lunches before having this conversation. I know I should be making this appeal with the President of the College sitting next to me on a chair in your office. I know this should have come from someone you know well. I know all of this because I have worked at Sweet Briar where I was well trained in how fundraising “should” be done, but we have realized that we must break from what we know — and who we know — hence this letter.
I am sure you have many questions. Allow me to hit the most important: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
WHO are you saving?
STUDENTS – the reason Sweet Briar exists and the primary reason it should be saved!
Students – Students just graduated and those attending Sweet Briar this year were forced to transfer. There are many students who wish to return should the College provide a firm future. Alumnae paid many deposits so that students would not lose funds at other institutions.
Faculty – Faculty wish to stay. A few have accepted positions at other institutions, others have joined in a unanimous vote of no-confidence in the President and Board and are represented by pro-bono legal counsel and suing the College for breach of contract.
Women’s Education – Women’s Education has an important future. Many companies cite the need for female leadership, particularly technically-trained women. Sweet Briar produces leaders in every field.
Faculty and staff have termination letters. Financial commitment will help maintain the faculty.
Admissions records for admitted students for the upcoming school year have (according to witnesses) been shredded. Recruitment must begin immediately.
Students who transferred would like to continue. Alumnae paid their deposits and many of the Colleges to which they transferred have said they would release the obligation if Sweet Briar is able to remain open.
The alumnae of the College live all across the globe providing a strong network of philanthropy, admissions recruitment, volunteerism and community. You will never be a stranger in the home of a Sweet Briar woman.
They serve Starbucks on campus, so you don’t have to worry about proximity to a good cup of Joe (in case you, like the Board, were worried about that).
The why is the WHO (see above), but it is also….
Woman’s education produces leaders, particularly in fields with shortages of women and diversity. The world, corporate America, the nation’s classrooms, the world’s boardrooms needs MORE women’s college graduates, not fewer.
Diversity. Sweet Briar recently (and many feel finally) became more diverse in all ways and including race, ethnicity, socio economic levels. Research shows the benefits of a diverse student body for the entire community. The current board cites this change as one of the reasons it must close and that this trend is not sustainable. Diversity is one of the saving graces and strengths of Sweet Briar today. These students deserve this education and the world needs these students. Philanthropy is one of the ways diversity can be maintained.
Faculty – Sweet Briar College faculty are exceptional. Unlike larger Universities, they are also approachable. Classes are not led by teaching assistants. From the moment students arrive on campus, they are surrounded by an exceptional faculty whose accomplishments are summarized here. It took years and a century of establishing a strong reputation to attract, hire and retain these amazing leaders — we must not lose them!
Sweet Briar College is regularly listed as one of the BEST Colleges in the country for:
Student Engagement
Quality of Education
Liberal Arts Education
Alumnae Network
Beautiful Campus
HOW? For the future to unfold, it will also take change.
Change. Change which all associated with the College (who wish for it to continue) are committed to embrace. This change is in the form of solid plans, talented administrators, dedicated board members and loyal students, parents, faculty, staff, alumnae and the wider community.
Plans. There is a strategic plan thoughtfully crafted by experts in their field. This plan addresses all aspects of College operations from admissions to development to land use to facility management.
New Leadership. Several potential Presidents with proven turnaround track records have been vetted and willing to lead. A slate of board members both nominated and recruited for their dedication and professional expertise stands ready to serve.
Retaining Talent. Sweet Briar has amazing faculty who are willing to stay. Talented administrators including some loyal and currently serving and others identified for their proven expertise can step in to manage.
Legal. Saving Sweet Briar secured Troutman Saunders to assist with the legal work. To date they have secured a 60 day injunction. Another attorney, Elliott Schugardt, secured a six month injunction.
Dedicated Alumnae. I, along with thousands of others, are willing to do all in our power for the future. We do not ask you to consider a gift before giving ourselves.
Generous donor, would you consider making Sweet Briar College one of your philanthropic priorities this year? Would you help save this College?
Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration and for all you are doing for the causes important to you.
PLEASE consider this request. PLEASE save Sweet Briar College!
Very sincerely (and with strong desperation),
Stacey Sickels Locke, Class of 1988
I, Stacey Sickels Locke, CFRE, am a proud graduate of Sweet Briar College, Class of 1988. I served as an employee of the College in the early 1990s working on the $25 million Campaign. During that time, I solicited many leadership gifts which make up the current endowment and I feel a sense of duty that those donations are not used for the closure of the College or for any other purposes than the donors intended. Since then, I have spent my career building support for higher education and the nonprofit community as a staff member and consultant for boards. As a volunteer, I have served Sweet Briar since graduation as a fundraiser, admissions ambassador and now advocate for the #saveSweetBriar movement. I am a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), am affiliated (through the University of Maryland) with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and hold a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification from CFRE International.
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Jeff Goldberg of WJLA ABC7 (DC) interviews Christine Bump and Stacey Sickels Locke
Normally I use my blog, social media or just about any conversation I am in lately to share about Sweet Briar College and the amazing fight to save it. Tonight I am supposed to be on television. More precisely, on the news. WJLA 7 in the DC Metro area will air Part II on Sweet Briar and the efforts to save the College. You can see Part I here.
Link to WJLA ABC7 which will also stream live:
My fellow interviewee, Christine Bump, invited me to participate. Christine is amazing. The effort to save Sweet Briar is blessed to have people like Christine. In Christine we have legal expertise, passion for Sweet Briar and a gifted writer. Most of the communication distributed to thousands of alumnae began from her pen.
These types of interviews and opportunities do not come about by accident. A team of dedicated volunteers working to save Sweet Briar reaches out constantly to news media to share the “savers” side of the story. In the early days of the announcement, the “closers” story seemed to prevail. Thankfully, the tide is turning. In this story the reported WANTED to hear about the efforts. We hope we did them justice.
The “interview” was actually a conversation with the reporter, Jeff Goldberg. There is nothing like a television camera trained in one’s direction to clarify one’s thoughts (or leave a gaping hole where thoughts once were :)!!) It was so much better to do the interviews together. Jeff told us that the story would be three minutes — a very generous and lengthy story in news land — so that meant much would be clipped.
I thought I would share today some of the things that may make it into the story and some that are likely on the cutting room floor. I’ve also added some information learned since the interviews. I’ll share them in the form of the questions Jeff asked:
View of campus from Monument Hill. Sweet Briar has over 3,000 acres. Are there plans for the land already?
Financial benefit. The stated plan is to provide severance packages to employees. As much as I respect the faculty and staff at Sweet Briar, I would rather have them keep their jobs than to use endowment funds to pay severance packages. Usually employees of Colleges receive a small percentage of their salary each year towards their retirement. Those with the largest salaries would gain the most from the severance payment plan. Furthermore, using the endowment to close the College is against every law designed to protect donor gift intent.
Board Governance. There is a total lack of communication measured by the shock from students, parents, faculty, staff, community members and elected officials. The Board refuses to share its documents leading to its decision to close. The President has conflicted himself numerous times. Statements made about the financial need continue to change. I have worked for a school facing possible closure and they were honest with alumnae asking the questions, “What would you do if the school were in peril?” And, “What would a world be like without the school?” There are ways to ask these tough questions and Sweet Briar did not. It is misleading to pursue alternatives like a merger with another College when simultaneously recruiting students and accepting donations. Based on documents now public, it would seem that the functioning of this Board is cause for concern.
Misuse of charitable funds. Funds given by generous donors over the years should not be used to close the College. I worked for the College in the 1990s during their Great Expectations Campaign and raised $13 million of a $25 million effort. I still remember those donors and I feel strongly about fighting for their interests – some of whom are no longer with us.
Lack of Leadership. There is a profound lack of leadership on display since the President and Board announced its intention to close. The early statements about why the College had to close were embarrassing and should be a lesson to any leader how NOT to speak about higher education, women or diversity in 2015. The students whose lives were disrupted and especially those who felt blamed (particularly first generation college students and those receiving Pell awards), deserve far better treatment. Faculty feel their contract with the College was violated.
I am also working to Save the College because the world needs Sweet Briar and its graduates! Companies need female leaders. Tech companies with whom I work are desperate for diversity. Women’s Colleges have a track record for producing women leaders.
Donor Bill of Rights – all donors have these rights and institutions have a duty to uphold them.
Christine shared that Sweet Briar College, like all women’s colleges, should be an option for the next generation of young women. It is a niche school, and it is not ideal for everyone, but that does not mean it does not have an important place in the educational landscape. Its small size, the attention paid by and dedication of all of the professors, and the immense opportunities it provides allow young women to push themselves to the fullest, find their true voice, and forge their own path in the world. Sweet Briar gave Christine the courage to step out from behind what everyone expected of her and define who she was supposed to be. Without Sweet Briar, she says she would have continued being who everyone thought she was. The next generation of women deserve that opportunity. Sweet Briar is the most important place in the world to Christine and she holds a place in her heart behind only my husband and my parents.
What does the future hold?
We are seeing one of the greatest stakeholder movements I believe the nonprofit world has seen. Sweet Briar can return stronger. Alumnae are ready for change — even if that change means going co-ed (and I hope people can hold open a piece of their heart for the possibility that my sons could attend one day). My father was part of the Citadel during its media flurry over its first female applicant. The media exposure and the increased enrollment leaves it stronger today than it ever was. I think we could thrive and have lines of students down the driveway.
Christine ended our interview with this poignant message:
We believe that saving the College will be one of its biggest strengths. Many institutions tout the strength of their alumnae network; what young woman wouldn’t want to attend a college with such a strong network of alumnae that they were actually able to challenge and overtake the status quo and save the school? Once we do that, however, Sweet Briar has to remain relevant. Alumnae are working on multiple committees to design what we are calling Sweet Briar 2.0. We are restructuring the College’s governing documents so that the Board no longer has ultimate authority. We are making curriculum changes to attract more students and integrate Sweet Briar’s biggest resource — its land — into the curriculum. There are many ideas being considered and foundations being laid so that we never face another crisis like this again.
Christine is right, who WOULDN’T want to be part of the amazing network that is the family of Sweet Briar College?
Thank you WJLA ABC7 for helping us tell our story…. To thank ABC7 you can tweet “@ABC7News”. T
Stacey Sickels Locke, CFRE, is a proud graduate of Sweet Briar College, Class of 1988. She served as an employee of the College in the early 1990s working on the $25 million Campaign. During that time, she solicited many leadership gifts which make up the current endowment and she feels a sense of duty that those donations are not used for the closure of the College or for any other purposes than the donors intended. Since then, she has spent her career building support for higher education and the nonprofit community as a staff member and consultant for boards. As a volunteer, she has served Sweet Briar since graduation as a fundraiser, admissions ambassador and now advocate for the #saveSweetBriar movement. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), is affiliated (through the University of Maryland) with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and holds a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification from CFRE International.
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Stacey Sickels Locke, Class of 1988, graduation day.
All across America, it is graduation season. “Pomp and Circumstance” by Elgar will be played endlessly as graduates float across the stage. Usually, this is a time of celebration. Not at Sweet Briar College. Elgar’s March in D Major “Pomp and Circumstance” is based on the final line in a Stanza from Shakespeare. That line has an eerie significance when one considers the current state of Sweet Briar College:
Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump,
The spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife,
The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!
– Shakespeare “Othello”, Act 3 (from which Elgar took the title for the famous Graduation March)
On my graduation day in 1988, I arose early and took a walk. My mother french braided my hair and tucked a sweet briar rose into the sides. I wore a floral dress, pearls and a pair of heels with VERY pointed toes (very 1980s fashion).
Nenah Fry was President. Karen Lawson, Class of 1974, was the Distinguished Alumna Awardee. I knew the Board of Directors members personally, including Michela English who sat on the graduation platform. I not only trusted them all, my first job came as a result of one board member. My English professors, Ross Dabney, Ralph Aiken and Karl Tamburr hosted a reception Saturday afternoon. The Rev. Susan Lehman had a party on Sunday for all who practically lived at her home as students. My Psychology professors, Susan Beers and David Johnson, had a bar-b-que on Friday afternoon. Graduation was filled with hope for me, my classmates and the College. Robert Barlow, Dean of Students, and his entire family were part of my family in the four years prior, that weekend and in the years since. The campus was at its peak with flowering trees blooming, carefully cut grass and celebrations planned throughout the weekend. This was my Sweet Briar. This was my graduation.
At Sweet Briar College, the Class of 2015 will awake on Saturday morning to a very different future. The alumnae of Sweet Briar across the country and around the world will awake with a sense of gloom. It is hard to imagine, but imagine this:
Imagine receiving word just two months ago as a student, faculty, staff, alumna or community member that this is to be “the last commencement”. The President and Board have voted to close.
Banners protesting the closure and leadership hung from balconies, the bell tower and buildings.
Imagine seeing bedsheets unfurled from balconies and the belltower with student protests.
Imagine the alumnae mobilizing to fight the closure, hiring legal counsel and filing an official suit against the President and Board Chair.
Imagine learning that the College plans to use donations to close the College.
Imagine being an alumna receiving a letter asking for permission to use your generous contribution (or that of your departed loved one) to close the College.
Imagine your faculty with a 100% vote of no confidence in the President and Board. Imagine those same faculty receiving termination notices.
Imagine a court hearing in nearby Bedford granting a 60 day injunction forbiding the College from spending endowment to close.
Imagine another attorney offering pro bono representation for students, faculty and staff and being successful in gaining a six-month injunction against closure activities.
Imagine learning that the Virginia Attorney General, Mark Herring, actually sat down with the President and Board Chair to “wind down” the endowment. To whom do you have to turn?
Imagine your shock learning that the former President and Vice President of Finance had met with Hollins University to discuss a merger several years earlier! Imagine hearing the President had already received “offers” from interested parties in Sweet Briar.
Imagine the food in Prothro Commons (the dining hall) once so delicious becoming less and less and eventually inedible (to the point where the health department had to be called).
Imagine alumnae around the country hosting fundraisers and rallies against the closure and watching the commitments rise.
Imagine seeing your College in the local, regional and national news. Articles about closure. Stories about fraud.
Imagine leaders not affiliated with Sweet Briar alleging fraud and calling upon the FBI to investigate.
Imagine news trucks daily coming to campus exploring stories, allegations and asking for your opinion.
Imagine having to transfer to another College when you wished to stay.
Class of 1988 at Step Singing our senior year.
Imagine you are a student awaking on the morning of your graduation…
…..Your graduation speaker is party to the suit against the College.
…..Your alumnae are fighting to keep the College alive.
You do not have to imagine. This reality is unfolding at Sweet Briar College.
Graduation will be lovely. Pomp and Circumstance will play. Daisies will be exchanged for roses. Diplomas will be accepted. The College song will be sung. Families will take photos. Everyone will go home.
Yet, all of this takes place against this surreal scene. One alumna, Robin Lindsay Frantz, posted this photo:
Robin Lindsay Frantz’ creative statement on Commencement 2015
Shakespeare’s original lines from which Elgar took his line for Pomp and Circumstance are fitting. It is “Pomp, Circumstance and…War”.
My hope is that students years from now will look back on their pictures from the 2015 graduation and know that their education was used for something good. I hope they look back and remember they were part of the future — and that they fought in this war to save the College. It may be the most important fight of their education.
I know I will look back on 2015 with no regrets. I have put my all into saving the College I love. I do feel I have been at war over the past few months. The sides have changed. The battles lines drawn. The legal battles waged, won and lost.
It seems fitting to end with the actual words to Elgar’s “Pomp and Circumstance” which actually were not written by Elgar. Arthur Benson wrote the words later. His chorus is the section repeated over and over as graduates cross the stage, “Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free, How shall we extol thee, Who are born of thee? Wider still and wider Shall thy bounds be set; God, who made thee mighty, Make thee mightier yet”
It sounds like a song written for Sweet Briar, Indiana Fletcher Williams and the mighty fight that is now waged:
Dear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned.
God make thee mightier yet!
On Sov’ran brows, beloved, renowned,
Once more thy crown is set.
Thine equal laws, by Freedom gained,
Thine equal laws, by Freedom gained,
By Freedom gained, by Truth maintained,
Thine Empire shall be strong.
Land of Hope and Glory,
Mother of the Free,
How shall we extol thee,
Who are born of thee?
Wider still and wider
Shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee mighty,
Make thee mightier yet.
Thy fame is ancient as the days,
As Ocean large and wide:
A pride that dares, and heeds not praise,
A stern and silent pride:
Not that false joy that dreams content
With what our sires have won;
The blood a hero sire hath spent
Still nerves a hero son.
— Arthur Christopher Benson (1862-1925)
Stacey Sickels Locke receiving her diploma. May, 1988
Stacey Sickels Locke, CFRE, is a proud graduate of Sweet Briar College, Class of 1988. She served as an employee of the College in the early 1990s working on the $25 million Campaign. During that time, she solicited many leadership gifts which make up the current endowment and she feels a sense of duty that those donations are not used for the closure of the College or for any other purposes than the donors intended. Since then, she has spent her career building support for higher education and the nonprofit community as a staff member and consultant for boards. As a volunteer, she has served Sweet Briar since graduation as a fundraiser, admissions ambassador and now advocate for the #saveSweetBriar movement. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), is affiliated (through the University of Maryland) with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and holds a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification from CFRE International.
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Sweet Briar seal (taken from my graduation diploma).
I was recently looking for images of Sweet Briar roses and came across the history of the Sweet Briar seal. History often has lessons to share. In this case, history may be worth revisiting….
There has been quite an effort for the College to question the standing of the Amherst County Attorney and to treat itself as an island untethered to the local community or its stakeholders.
The seal tells an important — and different — story. It seems the College and the County were once important enough that the designer of the seal gave the County the place of highest honor.
The seal was originally designed by Dr. John M. McBryde, the head of the English Department, in 1905. As an English major, I found this fact comforting. The Sweet Briar College museum displays one of the first needlepoint renderings of the crest and describes the history of the seal,
The College crest was designed by John M. McBryde, Jr., in 1905. He was a professor of English here 1906-1909 and was the son of one of the College‟s first trustees and president, John M. McBryde, Sr. At the time that he was recruited for the Sweet Briar board, McBryde senior was president of Virginia
Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute—today‟s Virginia Tech. He and his son had recently designed VPI‟s crest and seal. When the Sweet Briar trustees asked McBryde senior to design its crest and seal, he deferred to his son the English professor.* McBryde‟s scheme features elements of Lord Jeffery Amherst‟s crest, to acknowledge the school‟s connection to Amherst County; arrows for Elijah
Fletcher, founder Indiana Fletcher Williams‟s schoolteacher father; Tudor roses appropriate to heraldry and suggestive of the Sweet Briar rose from which the property took its name; and the College motto, “Rosam quae meruit ferat.”
In heraldry, it is customary when two families marry one another to divide the shield in half or quartering. When quartered, the most important family appears on the right.
Below the three tudor roses, the coat of arms of the Fletcher family and the arms of Lord Amherst are quartered.
Amherst County Flag and seal, adopted from Lord Amherst’s seal.
The arms of Lord Amherst are three tilting spears, gold with silver tops on a red field. When Dr. McByrd designed the crest, the use of the Amherst crest was deliberate to emphasize the connection to Amherst County.
Sweet Briar College’s land sits in Amherst County and there are generations of families who lived on campus and attended the College. The Mayor of Amherst filed an amicus brief in support of the County Attorney’s standing in the case against Sweet Briar College. He spells out numerous financial holdings and relationships. Given the history and current reality, it seems fitting that the Amherst seal would be in the place of prominence.
The Fletcher arms, which used to hang in Sweet Briar House, were a silver cross on a black field with four bezants each charged with an arrow.
In the Sweet Briar crest, the Fletcher family is represented by the cross from its family crest. The importance of the family is remembered and significant, but not as significant as the role of Amherst, represented by the arrows, in the upper right of the seal.
Fletcher Family Crest
Before we leave an examination of the family crest symbols on the seal, I would like to give credit to one of my readers “Geneology Girl” who pointed out that Coat of Arms were originally granted in England and are technically only for the person to whom they were granted. She has a point there, of course. In the case of families using their ancestor’s crests, it stems from both pride and a sense of honoring history. That is the spirit in which I am sure the Sweet Briar seal is intended.
As referenced from a 1938 publication, the rose is positioned three across. On the seal, a tudor rose is used.
Heraldic tudor rose.
Three roses stretch across the top of the Sweet Briar seal representing the motto, “She who has earned the rose may bear it.” The motto stems from Lord Nelson’s motto, ” Parmour qui meruit fert” (Let he who is merited take the palm). The rose symbol and the motto is used to describe the academic environment of Sweet Briar and the beauty of the campus. This rose is also used as the Fletcher family planted many Sweet Briar roses across its plantation.
One of my readers, Richard McClintock, a Latin Professor (so we will trust him!) of Chapel Hill, writes, “Sweet Briar’s motto actually says “Let the one [her, although that is not specified] who has earned the rose bear it,” not “she may bear it.” And Lord Nelson’s motto is “Palmam qui meruit ferat.” – “Let the one who has earned the palm [of victory] bear it.” Some old French (for “lover”!) seems to have slipped into the transcription above.” He also added, “All of you seem to be earning roses right and left nowadays. Keep it up until you may carry palms, too.”
Tudor rose on gold background.
The Tudor roses symbolize Sweet Briar, though not the color of the Sweet Briar rose. Pink is not thought to be a proper heraldic color. The roses on the shield are red in a field of gold.
An example of a “rise vine” in heraldry, framing important symbols.
As a background to the shield is a rise vine supported by the College motto. The colors of the vine, green, gold and brown reflect the early colors used in College marketing materials.
In recent years, the crest and the motto faded to embrace a new brand and image depicted in marketing materials of all kinds. Replacing the crest and more subtle colors is bright pink and green and the emphasis on a pink Sweet Briar rose.
Marketing materials (no images of the College crest or motto)“Think is for Girls” – some would prefer to lose this “motto”.Sweet Briar seal (taken from my graduation diploma).
If Sweet Briar is fortunate to live into its future, I would advocate for a return to the traditional crest and motto. The symbols expressing the ties to Amherst County, honoring the Fletcher family, the dignified colors and the seriousness of the motto are worth revitalizing.
History is worth repeating….
Blanton family crest of my paternal relatives who lived, worked and are buried in Amherst, Virginia.
Stacey Sickels Locke, CFRE, is a proud graduate of Sweet Briar College, Class of 1988. She served as an employee of the College in the early 1990s working on the $25 million Campaign. During that time, she solicited many leadership gifts which make up the current endowment and she feels a sense of duty that those donations are not used for the closure of the College or for any other purposes than the donors intended. Since then, she has spent her career building support for higher education and the nonprofit community as a staff member and consultant for boards. As a volunteer, she has served Sweet Briar since graduation as a fundraiser, admissions ambassador and now advocate for the #saveSweetBriar movement. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), is affiliated (through the University of Maryland) with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and holds a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification from CFRE International.
Cow Money Challenge? That’s $1642.03 for a bred heifer in 2012.
This is a post about fundraising. And a post about cows. I never knew the two went together until the Saving Sweet Briar movement.
Allow me to explain.
In the hours after the announcement of closure by the President and Board of Sweet Briar College, students, faculty, staff, alumnae and the community were reeling. A range of emotions greeted this news from shock to resignation to sadness to anger to passion to advocacy. Those who saw a future got to work. One brave alumna, Sarah Clement, a former board member, sparked a movement to save the College. Saving Sweet Briar was born.
In the early days of Saving Sweet Briar – before a website home was established – Facebook and email provided the fertile soil for the germination and later growth of many powerful ideas.
Fundraising in all forms began. Direct contributions as of this writing surpass $1 million with multi-year commitments over $11 million.
At first these efforts were like the “Wild West” and not tied together; however, leaders emerged and lassoed the organized women and friends of Sweet Briar into groups — some classic to successful fundraising and some not.
Major Gifts Committee
I sit on the Major Donor Task Force, a group of professional fundraisers and volunteers with experience. Beth Ann Trappold Newton recruited me. This is the logical place for me to volunteer since I got my fundraising start at Sweet Briar as a student in 1984 and later after my reunion in 1993 (and Beth Ann helped me get my first job after leaving campus – in fact I took the job she left to have her first baby). Having helped raise $13M of the $25M campaign at the time, I cannot sit back and watch the President and Board try to spend down endowment given by people I remember and some I still know! The Major Donor Task Force reaches out personally to those who have been very generous to Sweet Briar over the years. We are organized into regional groups and are led by a volunteer, Mary Pope Hutson, and now pro-bono fundraising consulting through Alexander Haas. Through weekly conference calls and many emails inbetween, we coordinate our efforts. The response is inspiring.
Class Representatives, Regional Representatives, State Representatives
I had the pleasure of meeting with Evangeline Taylor, a dedicated Sweet Briar alumna, who provides encouragement and support to hundreds of volunteers.
Class representatives provide regular updates to class leaders which they in turn send to their class.
State representatives have reached out personally by phone, email and personal letters to those in their state.
Some, like my classmate, Katie Keogh Widener, do both!
Back to the Cow Challenge….. It began in the Bedford County Courthouse. Those of us who could not be in Bedford followed a series of journalists. Hawes Spencer captured not only the flow of testimony, but his acerbic humor gave those of us working to save Sweet Briar some of the best laughter we had enjoyed in many weeks.
Leader of #SaveSweetBriar group Sarah Clement testifies she'd have reached into her "cow money" had she known of closure risk.
Up until this moment, I didn’t know what “cow money” was.
So what is “cow money” and what is a “Cow Money Challenge”? I asked and got this answer: Susan Finn Adams wrote to me, “Sarah ‘ s uncle was a cattle farmer. He left the farm to her family, they later sold it and split the proceeds. Proceeds = “Cow money”. “Cow Money” is the most precious money you have. You don’t spend it unless you REALLY need it.
How do you turn “cow money” into gold? Make it into a challenge of course! I told you this blog post was inspired by Cows:
Cow Money Challenge: Sarah reached into her “cow money”, now reach into YOURS!
Brooke Linville created the “Cow Challenge” with the following post:
Our fearless woman Sarah P. Clement told the court that had she known the condition of the college, she would have reached into her COW MONEY to help. So how much is cow money, we wondered…
As it turns out it is $1642.03 for a bred heifer in 2012. I am sure some of our awesome rancher vixens can help us out if this number is wrong. Anyhow, this is our FUNDRAISING GOAL tonight. We are going to raise us some COW MONEY!
Before the Cow Challenge, there was the “Latte Challenge”. Hundreds posted photos of themselves holding a cup of coffee (while providing a challenge to Saving Sweet Briar). This past weekend, there was a challenge around the Kentucky Derby.
Events. From Washington DC to San Francisco to around the world, events helped alumnae and friends connect and raise needed funds. At one event in Atlanta, pledges totaling over $600K have matched an initial challenge by Teresa Tomlinson, Sweet Briar alumna and Mayor of Columbus, Georgia.
Shopping for Sweet Briar
Meanwhile, back on the web, fundraisers of all kinds continued to grow. When the going get’s rough….
Clothing. Sweet Briar Alumnae Goodsfeatures something for every corner of your home. Virtually anyone with a shingle and a heart can make a contribution. Examples include: Coffee Table Book, Decals, Luggage, baby clothes, ring dishes, prayer beads, men’s ties….
Goods of all kinds to #saveSweetBriarBaby clothes and fashion galore!
Home and Garden. Everything you might need for home, garden and College: Yard flags, cookbooks,
Everything for home and garden and College….Wine plugs, ornaments, key chains…Stelladot jewelry – a favorite.
They Sell That? Some of the more unusual offerings included “Jamberry” press-on fingernail polish, Tattoos and even bull riding competitions,
Bull riding? This alumna offers a 50:50 raffle at her husband’s bull riding competition!Tattoo fundraiser. Yep, we had that too. Who says SBC is all pink, green and pearls?“Sometimes you have to put on some pink and green and crush it! Rise Up Climbing will changing their colors from black and red to host a pink and green climb night.” (Raleigh Durham Club)Sports fundraisers – many SBC field hockey and lacrosse players returned to campus.Bumper stickers, decals, anything to share our #saveSweetBriar spirit (Margaret Fisher).Vixen vodka – the perfect compliment to fundraising….
As of this writing, alumnae gave the equivalent of multiple cows. One alumna, Christina Savage Lytle, joked, “Now we are going to need to raise enough for a barn…”
There is no category for this… it just made me giggle.
What we have here is a recipe for fundraising success. We have a recipe for institutional success. HUNDREDS of volunteers divided thoughtfully into groups by expertise and passion are working hourly, daily, weekly and constantly for Saving Sweet Briar.
This is the most fun I’ve had fundraising in a very long time. The last time I had this much fun was when I was Reunion Gift Chair for my 25th Reunion. Before that, calling as a Freshman in 1984 when I literally “dialed for dollars’ (and treats).
This is all without formal records or professional staff. Imagine what could be done for the future?
P.S. For a post about “cow money” I would be remiss if I didn’t add a parting comment by an amazing woman (whose name I did not catch) who served in the Marine after Sweet Briar. On the call with the “President”, Missy Witherow, Interim VP of Development, and Sandra Taylor, member of the Board and President of the Alumnae Association, she said,
We have a term for this kind of behavior in the Marines. It’s called BULL. I throw down the “bullsh*t flag” on this behavior leading to this decision.
Stacey Sickels Locke, CFRE, is a proud graduate of Sweet Briar College, Class of 1988. She served as an employee of the College in the early 1990s working on the $25 million Campaign. During that time, she solicited many leadership gifts which make up the current endowment and she feels a sense of duty that those donations are not used for the closure of the College or for any other purposes than the donors intended. Since then, she has spent her career building support for higher education and the nonprofit community as a staff member and consultant for boards. As a volunteer, she has served Sweet Briar since graduation as a fundraiser, admissions ambassador and now advocate for the #saveSweetBriar movement. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), is affiliated (through the University of Maryland) with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and holds a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification from CFRE International.
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Lessons Learned, Musings, Insights I Don't Want to Forget, Life Hacks, and the Occasional Recipe by Stacey Sickels Heckel Locke