Category Archives: Legal Proceedings

VICTORY for Saving Sweet Briar: In Indiana Fletcher Williams we TRUST

Daisy's arm uplifted.
Angel over Daisy Williams’ final resting place. Sweet Briar College was established in a Trust by Daisy’s mother to be a PERPETUAL memorial.

Virginia Supreme Court gives those fighting to save Sweet Briar a win today.  A VICTORY for the efforts to save Sweet Briar.  Laws of trusts cannot apply to a corporation.

Donors everywhere can exhale, but only for a moment.  Case now goes back to the Circuit Court.

Virginia Supreme Court provides many interesting prior case laws worth considering.  Now the Circuit Court must consider a longer injunction, permanent injunction or some other remedy.  Those hoping to save Sweet Briar would like to see a fiduciary appointed and the President and current Board’s decision making ability removed.

Saving Sweet Briar press release.
Saving Sweet Briar press release.

Analysis will undoubtedly be shared by experienced legal minds.   A link to the full opinion is below (be sure to read the conclusions – there is some good stuff in there!):

Analysis by the Roanoke Times.

WSET News Story with Explanation

Legal Analysis from

Daisy and Indiana still rest in peace….

Marker for Daisy Williams, in whose memory Sweet Briar College was founded as a PERPETUAL memorial.
Marker for Daisy Williams, in whose memory Sweet Briar College was founded as a PERPETUAL memorial.
A stone laying atop Indiana Fletcher Williams grave, "Believe" sits next to Daisy's resting place.
A stone laying atop Indiana Fletcher Williams grave, “Believe” sits next to Daisy’s resting place.
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