Virginia Supreme Court gives those fighting to save Sweet Briar a win today. A VICTORY for the efforts to save Sweet Briar. Laws of trusts cannot apply to a corporation.
Donors everywhere can exhale, but only for a moment. Case now goes back to the Circuit Court.
Virginia Supreme Court provides many interesting prior case laws worth considering. Now the Circuit Court must consider a longer injunction, permanent injunction or some other remedy. Those hoping to save Sweet Briar would like to see a fiduciary appointed and the President and current Board’s decision making ability removed.

Analysis will undoubtedly be shared by experienced legal minds. A link to the full opinion is below (be sure to read the conclusions – there is some good stuff in there!):
Analysis by the Roanoke Times.
WSET News Story with Explanation
Legal Analysis from Virginia-Appeals.com
Daisy and Indiana still rest in peace….

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