Editor note: This along with several other posts has been emailed to all members of the Board of Directors with email addresses.
I have written at length about the President and Board’s decision to close Sweet Briar College since March 3. Initially, the Board refused to provide any data or reports which they used to make their decisions. This is one of the reasons the stakeholders of Sweet Briar College (students, faculty, staff, alumnae/i, community members, elected officials) have such a hard time accepting and RESPECTING their decisions. Since then, through legal discovery, various reports have been released. We are still missing key reports, such as the Arts & Sciences report (which Arts & Sciences included on its client list, but has since removed).

Many people feel there must be something nefarious going on or personal financial gain driving the President and Board. It may turn out that one or more Board members would gain financially from Sweet Briar College’s sale; however, I think there are two simple reasons we have not seen any flexibility or change: Saving face and group think. I also think it is not too late for one or more brave board members to revisit their decision. Below I provide analysis, examples and a template.
Continue reading Repeal! An Analysis, a Road Map & a Draft Letter

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